Concetta De Leo

My Activity Tracking


My target 2 kms

Day 9


Today I arrived at the pool and at 10.30 am. It was not busy in the 25metre pool so I was able to easily acquire a lap lane.

I tried to wear the official swim cap again today but it is really too tight and very uncomfortable. So apologies to the organisers.

I completed 0.629 metres today and I was happy with that! Converted to laps that is approximately 25 laps of the 25 metre pool. I’m slowly but surely getting closer to a 1 kilometre swim per session and I’m hoping to smash my 2 kilometre target very soon! Then anything I swim from then on till the 31st of March is a bonus.

I think I’ve worked out the Strava App (this App counts your laps and times etc and syncs from my watch to my phone) and I’ve posted a screen shot of my session. The map looks hysterical but I can assure you I was swimming straight in the lane!🤭

That’s it for today. Stay tuned for the next swim 🏊🏻‍♀️ soon…

Day 8

Did not swim today.

Day 7

Did not swim today.

Day 6

Did not swim today.

Day 5

Did not swim today.

Day 4

I did my swim laps today after work, after dinner. I was able to secure some room in a lane tonight, the only lane left in the 25 metre pool. And I was able to do a few more laps than my last session, which I was happy about. 
I will, in future double check what activities are happening in the evenings at the pool as  when I arrived -7ish-  two lanes were taken up by a aqua aerobics class on one side of my lap lane and the other side of the lap lane was ‘the fun lane’ for kids and families. I was not hurt or damaged during my swim. Thankfully!
I didn’t wear my new swim cap as you can see in the photo it was a little on the small size for my head.
I did 0.35km. Getting there slowly.

Day 3

Today I didn’t make it to the pool but my free cap arrived! 

Day 2

 Day 2 (2-March 2025)

Even though I was truely looking forward to to going back to the pool today, I still procrastinated going.

I arrived late in the afternoon but still had a good hour to get as many laps swum as I could.

Today I dedicated my swim to some (not all) women I know who have bravely battled breast cancer, both at work and personally. I also included some women who have bravely battled and are still battling other types of this horrendous disease. Check my photos for today for todays names. 

From my wardrobe - My fins don’t fit my swollen feet so I couldn’t use them today, so time to get a new pair that will fit.

I’m still working out how to connect from my phone to my watch in the pool! I’ve downloaded Strava App but I  didn’t connect today. I’ll keep trying with that. I’m logging my laps in manually.

So after a very brief warm up I was able to complete 12 laps of the 25 metre pool today. That’s 300 metres. I only recorded 6 laps in the 25 metre pool from yesterdays debacle. So total of 450 metres so far.

I’m happy with todays efforts. So next swim I plan to try to go even further. If I reach my goal before the month is up I will continue to swim until the very last day of March and see how far I can get.

I’d like to sincerely thank Everyone for your kind and generous donations. I never thought that I would be able to raise the money I have so far. I’ve also  been very touched by each and everyone of you who has donated and left messages of positive support. I am very grateful.☺️ 

I’m looking forward to my next swim and letting you all know how much further I have progressed.

Until then I wish you all to stay healthy and safe. 

Thank you. 🏊🏻‍♀️💗🏊🏻‍♀️💗🏊🏻‍♀️

Day 1

Day 1 didn’t quite turn out how I had imagined it. 

To begin, I haven’t been back in the pool swimming laps for quite a number of years. In that time I have regretfully packed on a considerable amount of weight which I am now trying to get rid of! I’m hoping that while I’m supporting and raising awareness for breast cancer that I can also shed a kilo or two. Win/Win.

So changing into my new bathers that have a dress attached! I felt, and to me, I look quite frumpy But I was not going to let that faze me. I reminded myself why I was doing this. So I told myself to ‘toughen up Princess!’.

I had all the things I needed packed and a new addition to my swim was my Apple Watch, which I have been excited to use in the pool to count laps.

I arrived at my chosen newish aquatic centre, beautiful I might add, and secured my belongings and made my way to the indoor 25 metre pool.

I walk down the ramp and secured a lap swimming lane. This is when it all went pear shaped ( Literally!).

I tried kicking off the edge and into a breast stroke, when my extra round body didn’t compute and I rolled over to one side and I was under water!

Embarrassed I tried to quickly, but very awkwardly, regain my balance and composure as I was looking like I’d never been in a pool before in front of other kids and adults in the ‘fun lane’ next to me.

OK looks like I have to take this back to re-learning how to be in the water. So I had to try and re-train my body to do what my mind was telling it to do. It took a while.

After what seemed hours (30mins actually) I finally got my body doing breast stroke! I even swam the full 25 metres up and back a few times! Yes! I was finally swimming again!

The other set back was my watch couldn’t track any laps because my iPhone was in the lockers and was to far away. I didn’t get out of the pool to put it closer because I was already having a dilemma in the pool re-learning to swim again and I thought getting my swimming legs back was more important.

But today, I am going in soon to do my laps and I’m going to have my iPhone strategically closer and hopefully I can track my laps. Maybe even share them on the socials.

So that was day 1. I’ll update day two (today) hopefully soon.

My Achievements

My Donations


Asset Transport Solutions

BIG BOLD and BRAVE !!! Good luck Concetta🏆


Tony De Leo

Cheering for you Aunty 🙌 well done 👍


Alice Paraskevas

You go girl <3


Tracy Baines

Go Concetta!!


Rita Colombani

Best wishes Concetta


Gary Schultz

What’s that saying? You go girl!


Jenni Barrett

Great job Concetta! Well done on getting back into swimming & for raising so much money for a great cause!


Cristina Pisanelli

Go Concetta!!!


Pamela Solomon

Great work, you are just incredible! 🩷




Concetta De Leo


Maria Aloisi

Good luck Concetta! You've got this! 😀



Love your work Coonch 🥰





Well done Concetta 👏🩷


Janet Galpin

Well done Concetta, be proud of yourself!



Well done Concetta 🩷🩷🩷


Josie Aloisi

Well done Concetta 🙂


Harpreet Kang

You are amazing ❤️


Yvette Beil


Pam Begg

Go Concetta!


Bronwyn Pearse

Fantastic effort !!!


Susie Aurthur



I’m also happy you’re back swimming again


Taylor Williams

Well done Concetta!


Michelle Burnley

Go Concetta! Great cause x

I am swimming 2km for breast cancer research to help save lives.