Deb Yeo

My Activity Tracking


My target 30 kms

Support my swim for breast cancer to help save lives.

In March, I'm swimming to raise funds for Breast Cancer Trials to find new and better treatments and prevention strategies for every person affected by breast cancer.

Please support my swim by sponsoring me in the Big Bold Swim challenge.

I did my first 2kms at the Next Gen Gym pool in Lyneham this afternoon.

Thanks for your support. 

My Achievements

My Donations


Marlene Kemp

Good luck Deb. You will be sooo fit


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Nella Faber-rod

I’m so impressed! You go girl!!


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Tom And Nella

Go Debster We love you ❤️




Deborah Yeo



Go Deb, you are so kind and thoughtful xxx


Kaylene Chaproniere

You Rock! ❤️


Sharon Claridge

Inspirational Deb xx

I am swimming 30km for breast cancer research to help save lives.