My Activity Tracking
My target 15 kms
Double donation day
This month, I'm swimming 15km in The Big Bold Swim to raise funds to help people impacted by breast cancer. 🩷
And today is Double Donation Day, where ALL online donations will be MATCHED by a generous donor (up to $25,000)!
Sponsor me today and your donation will be DOUBLED!
Please support my swim challenge for breast cancer research to help save lives today, tomorrow and forever.
Another 1km completed
My motivation to get out of bed this morning was non-existent, I was definitely on struggle street, but I did get out, got to the pool and completed another 1km of my goal. Some days are definitely harder than others to get going, but get going we do and I feel better for it now. Thanks again for all the support, it is so much appreciated.Half way there.

Back into it...

Waiting, waiting…
Well, still unable to get to the pool due to Alfie, but hopefully by Monday he’ll have done his dash and buggered off and I can get back into it. Thanks again for all your support. Have a great weekend and stay safe xMet target, YAY
Thank you to all of you for your fantastic & generous donations and I am pleased to say that I have met my target of $1000, BUT...No swims today 😕
Well, as expected Cyclone Alfred has begun his antics, and wisely many places down here have closed to keep their staff & customers safe, including my gym, so no swim today. It’s been a pretty wild night and we’ve only just begun, hold on tight!Bring it on!
Another 100 laps (1.5km) swum today, trying to get in the extra laps before Alfred hits us and shuts us down for a few days. Stay safe folks :)Another day done!
No Power - No Problem
Well, this morning at 5am I got to the gym and there was a power outage, but I wasn't going to let that stop me, the emergency lighting was still going strong so I had me a beautiful swim in the mood lighting. Gave a little bit of JAWS vibes but that just made me swim faster. LOL Got me another 1.3km under the belt.First swim down

Support my swim for breast cancer to help save lives.
This March, I'm taking part in The Big Bold Swim to support breast cancer research and save lives.
Did you know that 58 people are diagnosed with breast cancer every day? It's heart-breaking.
I'm swimming to raise funds for Breast Cancer Trials to find new and better treatments and prevention strategies for every person affected by breast cancer to save lives today, tomorrow and forever.
Please support me now by sponsoring my challenge. Every dollar helps.
Together, we can create a world where NO MORE lives are cut short by breast cancer.
Thank you so much.
My Donations

Ruth Lamb-carlsen

Greg & Pam Tacey

Your amazing 🤗

You go grrrl!

Debbie Tacey
Go you

Richard Black
Go get em Linda :)

Ruth And Pat Fry
Amazing effort, love Ruth and Pat xx

Sandy Stritzel
Go you good thing

go hard TCB Linda xo

Bec Adams
Good luck! Go you!

Facebook Donation

Megan Smith
Go you good thing!!

Trisha Yoffa

Vicki Harding
What a fantastic effort Linda, and a great cause. Good luck ❤️

Kerry Thompson

Linda Gittins

Angelique Glasson
Good luck lovely

Cobi Gittins

Jacinta Tacey
I am swimming 15km for breast cancer research to help save lives.
Go girl! Very proud of you.