Aleks Mcnee

My Activity Tracking


My target 15 kms

Support my swim for breast cancer to help save lives.

As some of you may know, swimming is something that has only recently become a part of my life. With breast cancer affecting more and more loved ones around me, together with some fabulous friends, we have decided to take part in The Big Bold Swim to support breast cancer research and save lives.

Did you know that 58 people are diagnosed with breast cancer every day? It's heart-breaking.

I'm swimming to raise funds for Breast Cancer Trials to find new and better treatments and prevention strategies for every person affected by breast cancer to save lives today, tomorrow and forever.

Please support me now by sponsoring my challenge. Every dollar helps.

Together, we can create a world where NO MORE lives are cut short by breast cancer.

Thank you so much.

My Achievements

My Donations


Katy Wright

Don’t think there is anything you can’t do Alex, you got this! Great cause xxx



Good Ola! What an amazing effort


Giles Holtby

Rivkah just fought off BC. Great work for a great cause.


Karolina Daaboul

Go ladies!! 🙌


Chas Mcnee

You can do it!


Em Cross

Well done ladies x


Jamie Granados

just keep swimming....

I am swimming 15km for someone special to help save lives.