Be brave, be bold and make a splash this March to save lives.
Because 1 in 7 women in Australia will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.
We are on a mission to find new and better treatments and prevention strategies for every person affected by breast cancer to save lives today, tomorrow and forever.
Together, we want to see a world where NO MORE lives are cut short by breast cancer.
Whether you're a pool pro, beach bather or water wader, dive in and swim throughout March as part of our community across Australia.
How it works

Sign Up
Choose your distance and sign up to swim throughout March to support people impacted by breast cancer.

Spread the word loud and proud and raise funds to see a world where no more lives are cut short by breast cancer.

Swim Big
Start swimming on March 1 and log your activity across the month to achieve your goals.

Get your swim cap

Why your support matters

At just 33, Tamlyn received the life-changing diagnosis of breast cancer. Like so many young women, she never expected it to happen to her. With no family history and no warning signs, it was a confronting reality.
Through treatment and recovery, she found strength in movement and community. Now, Tamlyn will be cheering from the sidelines of The Big Bold Swim, rallying support for Breast Cancer Trials. She knows firsthand that breast cancer trials lead to better treatments, giving more women hope for the future.
Help women like Tamlyn by joining us this March to make a splash for breast cancer research.
Together, we can fund breakthroughs that save lives.


Total Raised

KMs Swum