NO MORE lives cut short by breast cancer.
This year, breast cancer is estimated to be the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australian women.
Every day 58 people are diagnosed, that’s 1 person every 25 minutes, and eight will lose their life to breast cancer.
Together we can change this.
Together we are grounded and defined by one simple belief, we can and we will find new and better treatments and prevention strategies for every person affected by breast cancer to save lives today, tomorrow and forever.

In Australia
people are diagnosed with
breast cancer every day.
women die from
breast cancer every day.
men die from
breast cancer each year.

Breast Cancer Trials conducts Australia's only independent clinical trials research program, bringing together 980+ researchers in hospitals and medical institutions across Australia and New Zealand.
We are on the front line of breast cancer treatment and care.
We see the impact breast cancer has on people every day and want to end the pain and loss it causes.
Over the past 20 years, deaths from breast cancer have reduced by 30%, and this is largely due to treatments identified through our trials. However, we can't stop now.
There are still too many women who urgently need treatments for their breast cancer.
They need treatments that don't leave them with long-term side effects.
They need treatments that will stop their breast cancer spreading or returning.
Your support can help make more life-changing and life-saving advances possible.
Our research breakthroughs