
Support our swim for breast cancer to help save lives.

Thank you very much to everyone who donated! We’re so grateful to everyone and as some of us have people close to us effected by breast cancer all the support and donations have been very uplifting. Thank you again!!

Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors


Roger Peterson

The grandmother who never lived to see all her grandchildren, would be proud of you. Hopefully they will find a cure for this horrible affliction the she (grandmother) died of.


James Edu-tainment

So proud of you, Sof!! Smash it! X


Colleen Peterson

Your grandmas would be so proud of you


Madeleine Dupuche



All the best Ailsa!


Chaman Sidhu

Great effort, have fun you strong girl


N & P

So proud of you


Peter Keogh

Go hard!!


Iona Goodwin


Elizabeth Feehan


Deniz Tuerkoglu

Great cause Craig! See you tomorrow


Flynn, Asher & Eadie

Well done Sof!


Leon Prentice

Swim well! Great cause.



Great cause Craig.


Jo Callaghan

Great job!


Pam Newton

I reckon you can swim more than 20kms, Craig!


John Edwards





Go Charlie!




Angela Williams


Cathy Robinson

Good luck Craig


Sarah Wapling

You are going to have to turn up to training!


Greg More

Glad to support - and swim fast eh


Joanne Feehan

Very happy to support you in this. I know you’ll crush the swim and your fundraising goal.


Liz Martin

Great cause - see you at training!


Brenton Arnold

Good luck with it Sofia!


Hannah Sinclair




Greg Fisher

Great cause, good luck!


Nanette Arnold

Proud of you Sof ... enjoy the swim!


Tom Dupuche

Nice one Charlie and crew!!


Stewart Grace




Emily H


Matched Donation


Mary B


Stefanie D

What a great challenge for a young girl to do for her Mum and all battling Breast Cancer. I wish you all the luck! Swimming long distance is never easy, but if you can swim one stroke you can swim many.


Matched Donation


Petrina O’connor

Go Alisa, you’ve got this!





Wish you all the best and hope it all goes well


Fenanda Cury

Go Craig and love to Julia



all the best luck!


Haifa Sekkouah


Charlie Barker


Sofia Barlow




Ailsa Callaghan